Dr Delyth Badder
Folklorist | Llên-gwerinydd
Author | Awdur
Dr Delyth Badder is a folklorist, author, and antiquarian book collector who has channelled a lifetime’s interest in Welsh folklore into academic study, and an extensive library of some of Wales’s rarest antiquarian folkloric texts.
Mae Dr Delyth Badder yn lên-gwerinydd, yn awdur, ac yn gasglwr brwd o lyfrau hynafiaethol prin, sydd wedi sianelu diddordeb oes i astudiaeth academaidd o lên gwerin Cymru.
The Folklore of Wales: Ghosts
In The Folklore of Wales: Ghosts, renowned folklorists Delyth Badder and Mark Norman present an intriguing and comprehensive selection of ghostly accounts, illuminating key themes running through them, and giving insights into the history and culture of Wales’s varied regions and communities.
Yn The Folklore of Wales; Ghosts, mae'r chwedleuwyr enwog Delyth Badder a Mark Norman yn cyflwyno detholiad cyfareddol a chynhwysfawr o adroddiadau am ysbrydion, gan uwcholeuo'r themâu allweddol sy'n llifo drwyddynt, a chan gynnig mewnwelediad i hanes a diwylliant gwahanol rannau a chymunedau yng Nghymru.
‘This absorbing study of Welsh ghosts and spirits makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of both Welsh folklore and the broader historical significance of the spirit world. It is expertly researched, engagingly written, and beautifully illustrated. The richness of the translated Welsh language material is a gift to the general reader and scholar alike.’
Professor Owen Davies, University of Hertfordshire
Contact | Cysylltwch:
Send me your Welsh ghost stories and folklore, or get in touch to collaborate
Gyrrwch eich straeon ysbryd neu lên gwerin Cymreig draw, neu cysylltwch i gydweithio